Mani Padme | Burning Man Project
Image: Mani Padme, Evening installation at Black Rock City, Nevada
TITLE: Mani padme
ARTIST: Christopher Schardt
26 August - 2 SeptemBER 2024
In Tibetan monasteries and on the sides of trails in Nepal are cylinders that spin on vertical axes. They are known as prayer wheels. On them is inscribed the prayer “Om Mani Padme Hum”, which calls for universal peace. For each revolution that the cylinder spins, the prayer is spoken. Visitors spin them as they pass by.
'Mani Padme' is a 9’ tall, 5’ diameter prayer wheel with 32 vertical LED strips in place of the inscription. When a visitor spins it, complex, abstract images are displayed, making use of the motion and the eye’s persistence-of-vision ability. Simultaneously, Tibetan chant is played from 4 speakers all facing inward, immersing the visitor in light and sound.
In the day, visitors can spin the cylinder and see a 32-frame animation in a built-in, traditional zoetrope.
Image: Mani Padme, Day installation at Black Rock City, Nevada
Climate Approach to Project
Considering this work was presented in the desert, the issue of energy sustainability is a central part of the artwork's design. Solar power and LED lighting were used by the artist to make an efficient use of resources. In its final form, 'Mani Padme' uses LEDs for lighting, which consume about 1/5 of the power of equivalent incandescent lighting. It uses two solar panels and a battery as its source of electric power. In addition, the work was transported by ground with the artist to the desert. There was no air freight.
Carbon Emissions from Travel (tCO2e): 0.10
Carbon Emissions from Shipping (tCO2e): 0.01
Carbon Emissions from Energy Use (tCO2e): 0.00
Emissions - Other Categories (tCO2e): 0.00
Emissions - Accuracy: Accurate
Emissions Calculation Description & Methodology:
The emissions of Travel, Shipping, and partial Energy Use were calculated from data provided by the artist. While the Energy Use data for the technology is not available, due to it not being provided by the technology companies, the Travel and Shipping data were available. The Gallery Climate Coalition Calculator and the Artist Commit data collection template were used to compete the report.
Solar power is pretty easy to do at Burning Man as long as the art’s power draw isn’t too high.
A general rule of thumb is that you can assume that a solar power system will store the amount of power generated from 5 hours of full-on sun. This compensates for the hours during which the sun isn’t pointing directly at the panels, and times when there is cloud cover. eg: If you have 500W of solar panel, you will generate 2.5kWh of energy in a typical day.
Waste Report Description & Methodology:
The artist used minimal materials, and sourced locally in their production town of Oakland, CA.
Climate Actions Taken:
Mani Padme used no fossil fuels to power itself.
Image: Mani Padme, Evening installation at Black Rock City, Nevada
Reflections from Presenting Partner, Artists, and other stakeholders:
The art work was witnessed by tens of thousands of people in its one week exhibition period. As a bystander noted, the work was transcendent, and reflected an ability for media and nature to merge in a positive and unified way.
Exhibition credits:
Thanks to the Lotus Art Fund for supporting this exhibition.
Thanks to Kai Anderson for his work on conserving the land at Black Rock City.
Carbon Emissions metrics prepared with support by Gallery Climate Coalition's calculator.
Climate Impact Report prepared and reviewed by: Christopher Schardt, featured artist, Haley Mellin, artist, Art into Acres.
This artwork’s Climate Impact Report is being published on the artist-led sustainability platform Artists Commit. Launched in November 2021, the CIR concept was created by Artists Commit. Written in November 2024, this is the first in a series of CIR’s published on behalf of sustainable exhibits at Burning Man.
Thanks to Artists Commit team members Laura Lupton, Deville Cohen and Jessica Gath for their advising and support.